Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday night dinner in drag

Bill, Eric, Logan
Super fly sunset with three swwank ass dudes. This was a Mardi Gras themed Monday Night Dinner, So Bill and I went in drag, since Mardi Gras was the first time I ever saw a cross dresser. I think I was ten. Eric is a swingin pimp or something like that.

Bill and I cruisin to the dinner having a blast laughing at ourselves and the people who gawk at us when they see us as we are enroute.

This is what Bill gets for trying to plot with the ladies to tar and feather me. I was smart enough to find out about the plan and when the Evil Whores "ladies" (do I have that backwards?) can't find me they turn on Bill. Never trust a group of drunk women with a bag of feathers and elmers glue if they are not kindergarten teachers. This was a fun night.

1 comment:

Scott Gross said...

Damn Logan. That dress is awesome! What was dinner like? So did the girls have to look like guys? That shit must have been hilarious! Rock on g.