Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Alley Loop 42k's of powdered pain

Speed Racer "Chase" and Vlatchislov Maraton Man "Logan"
after doing the Alley Loop ski race in Crested Butte. Chase did the 20K and I did the 42K. Chase did the race with a speed racer helmet on. It looked awesome!

I didn't come close to winning but it was a pretty big accomplishment. My upper body was completely dead after 16 miles, and I still had 10 to go. I skated pretty much the entire last lap because my arms didn't want to move, and I didn't want to make them do anything they didn't want to since I hadn't prepared them for this kind of torture.
My toes, feet and shins had cramped up on the last lap. I was very happy to finish this thing. It was my first real ski race and it was brutal. Maybe I can do one more before the cycling season hits full speed in a couple of months.

1 comment:

TomZ said...

Nice pics Loooogan. Those naked pics of Joel crack me up...that poor bastard. nice skin art as well. I think the stars suit you. How did Stazio pan out?