Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Throw Backs

This post will be a bit of a throw back to months past.

Here you will find some of my inspirations for fashion. You can never go wrong when you dress up.

So how can one man be so fashionable?
Well, all it takes, is three easy classes with a board certified fashion expert! For just .12 cents a day you can learn all the trade secrets. Don't take our word on it, just look at all the satisfied customers.

So, as you can see. I have an eye for the sexy look that drives the ladies wild. For the free brochures "looking cool, acting cool" Visit our website www.drunkcyclist.com
or for more great photos of our high fashion professors go to www.billswift.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Keith said...

all i gotta say is, what's in your pants (photo #2) ... ?