Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh the things you forget about

This is for my old friend. It has been ages since we have spoken and I don't really know what the numerical value of an "age" is but I'm using it in place of "a really long long llllllong time".

I am living in Boulder, Colorado training hard as usual but a lot smarter which is a complete change. Looking forward to the upcoming race season which will have me racing in Texas, New Mexico, California, Oregon, North Carolina, Wyoming and of course Colorado. I love racing and riding. Climbing into the mountains is usually an awesome feeling, there are times when it is painful and curses spew forth but that is usually a good sign that I need to go home or eat something.

I've got the ball rolling on getting back into school. This time around I will be seeking knowledge in something that I really want to use in this world, fashion design.
I guess it has been a couple of years since I updated this thing. Now I use facebook for my social upkeep. I hope you are well, feel free to look me up.


Maria and Ryan said...
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Maria and Ryan said...
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