Saturday, May 23, 2009

The new Rio kits

So here we are, wearing the finest Dia De Los Muertos themed cycling kits on the planet. Thanks to our generous title sponsor Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant we have a kit that looks amazing!

Allen Krughoff is modeling as always in the first photo and B-Rad Bingham is keeping it real on the goof troop side of life.

The team is having a legitimate photo shoot this coming Tuesday in Boulder so I will make sure to post the results from that episode as soon as I get them.

Some good racing going on this weekend in the bubble. Louisville crit today and the Koppenburgh is tomorrow, its going to be super fantastic dynamite square dancing revival type entertainment and suffering.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh the things you forget about

This is for my old friend. It has been ages since we have spoken and I don't really know what the numerical value of an "age" is but I'm using it in place of "a really long long llllllong time".

I am living in Boulder, Colorado training hard as usual but a lot smarter which is a complete change. Looking forward to the upcoming race season which will have me racing in Texas, New Mexico, California, Oregon, North Carolina, Wyoming and of course Colorado. I love racing and riding. Climbing into the mountains is usually an awesome feeling, there are times when it is painful and curses spew forth but that is usually a good sign that I need to go home or eat something.

I've got the ball rolling on getting back into school. This time around I will be seeking knowledge in something that I really want to use in this world, fashion design.
I guess it has been a couple of years since I updated this thing. Now I use facebook for my social upkeep. I hope you are well, feel free to look me up.